Nothing really here yet.. might be assembling it as we go. Cornerstone of
If this embed isn't behaving, you can view the video at here:
Canadian Whistleblower: Enslavement Begins in 2 Months
Here's a copy of The Great Reset presentation by Bank of Canada douche Paul Beaudry.

Since it made its entry on to the world stage, COVID-19 has torn up the existing world order of how to govern countries, live with others, and take part in the global economy in a dramatic way. Professor Schwab and CEO and Founder of the Monthly Barometer Thierry Malleret explore these disruptions in their new book, COVID-19: The Great Reset and we will explore how to manifest our New World Order.
The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for elite Public-Private Collaboration. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other power-hungry fixtures of society to push global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make drastic change, unified by a driving need to control the fate of humanity.
And fuck people with whom we do not agree.
..a really shit-poor copy of the Galati lawsuit is embedded, so the OCR run on it wasn't really that effective, but at least you can now download it here and do basic search with a PDF reader, albeit it won't be totally accurate./small>